Monday, April 5, 2010

This Week at Pathways: March Success Story

Dear Clients,

I thought about you over the Easter weekend and hope that you enjoyed the holiday, time with family, or a much needed day of rest and relaxation from your job search, dry and out of the rain. I am happy to say that we are continuing to hear about clients landing jobs; the uplifting energy surrounding this time of year and the rise in the economy is giving much needed hope and enthusiasm!

Success Story of Month

I am happy to announce that Peter von Euen is the new Senior Project Leader for ACME Business Consulting, LLC!

"When asked what the 'one best thing' was that contributed to my landing a job I was somewhat stymied on how to respond. It had been nearly 21 months to the day when I finally started a new position. After a lot of reflection I would have to say it was my attitude, in believing in myself and my abilities. I have had several successful career paths over nearly forty years and was really getting disheartened at times with the discussions and/or feelings regarding over-qualification, age factors and past high earning senior management position employer impressions. In the end I took a job that allows me to do something I value even though the earning is considerably less than where I was. I disciplined myself to look for work for at least two hours, often six or eight, almost every day, and made sure to attend to my networking. I attended the Pathways Job Search Support Group meetings, as it gave me discipline in that I had to share with others what I was doing to become employed, as well as share my experiences and ideas with others that would hopefully help them too.

While the search was lonely and often left me feeling detached, I was not alone. There were always people there which I came to recognize and value; a continually loving and supportive spouse, a long term network with whom to communicate, a local support organization (Pathways) with knowledgeable and caring professionals, and my imaginary shepherd who made sure I always believed that my glass was half full. I can only say that we must all keep up hope and believe in what we have to contribute; at some point the stars will align and we will move forward to our next adventure. Keep the faith in yourself as the alternative is grim and trust in others to share, especially in a safe environment like on the 11th floor. Best of luck! --Peter"

Thank you Peter, we celebrate your success!

Are you feeling stuck in your search? Take action and join us tomorrow for our Job Search Support Group from 9am to 11am, and connect with fellow job seekers! Also, many of you were not able to attend the Strategic Networking Lab last month, so we have scheduled it again this month. Join us this week, Wednesday April 7th from 1pm to 3pm, for our two-hour Strategic Networking Lab and get help managing your network. RSVP today!

Look forward to seeing you in the office this week!

"To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." --On Achievements, Belief & Desire: Anatole France Quotes

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